Michael Jackson 1958-2009 : My reaction to his LIFE

Review of Michael Jackson as Artist

So whats so great about him ? I know of no other dancer of this calibre - who on top of that has invented some of the best hooks imaginable. These hooks, and full recordings as I study them - show a gospel root - that is what makes his and his families music somewhat unique - in that they fused rock and gospel elements into an accessible style that is infectious. This is an understatement, let me put it another way. MJ performed 10 or 20 pieces in particular for 25 years. These pieces are so joyous to listen to that you can listen to them repeatedly without tiring, depending on mood.

So its a very unique gift in one person to not only physically express passions of music so perfectly, but to also carry in him such seminal works of composition.

Also, the first record I ever really owned was "ABC" - I knew all the lyrics, and MJ was totally iconic for me when I was 10 years old, I took his song "You better make a way for the young folks" as a serious statement - a personal instruction. Somehow he was there for me, as a anchor in my universe.

That may be why I feel so strong when I think of his loss at such an unfinished point in his career(s).

So what are the threads of excellence in composition that he did personally compose:

Personal Compositions that blow open the doors of music:

The opening shot of his career once he developed a modern sound, "The force has a lot of power" the first statement he makes and then he carries us through drinking in the force.

1982 Thriller "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'"

1991 Dangerous: "Jam"

1997: Blood on the dance floor:

ghosts michael jackson

"Superfly Sister"

2001 Invincible: "Break of Dawn" "You Rock My World" 2000 Watts Threatened Cry "Whatever Happens"

So its only 10 that I found that he wrote that I put on the top. Temperton was the 2nd force.

-----So once you're hooked un the personal songs like leave me alone become a second layer - beyond this handful of gems.

So Invincible his last work, has 6 songs that I consider really exceptional - so its my favorite - and no live footage....due to dispute with Sony.

So last stop will be the Wiz.

And then maybe I will say what getting this message has helped me where it could not help him.

Early Stuff:

"Can You Feel It".[1

Personal Note:

Since Michael Jackson died, I have slowly pored over everything I could find of his work.

Deepak Chopra helps us understand this being:


The more I studied his life, the more I found to admire, and the greater the loss felt.

I do not understand the tremendous grief that his death has invoked in me.

My personal feeling of empathy for more and more facets of his later personality - as we all know him from the early 80s and I viewed his physical transformation - as a series of mistakes - but now - they are chiseled in stone - this was his persona pre 1980, 1980-1984, 1988-199?, 199?-2009, they just are, he is beautiful in all of them. The slowing of his live performance material after about 2003 is a real loss.

So how did he magnify in my mind and heart as I went over his work ?