How to start and win a Second American Revolution led by the middle class
April 5, 2015
1. We need real competitive elections that effect crucial issues like the preservation of the bill of rights at a national level and foreign policy.
We simply have to properly certify the ratification of article the first. The founders set a limit of 45.000 per house seat. They never envisioned maintaining democracy when 1 house leader commanded 700,000 souls. To take effect this would have had to have been ratified by 9 of the founding 13 states. It turns out it was in fact approved by nine state legislators.
States could unlaterally decide to adopt this interpretation of the constitution, getting rid of the self aggrandizing limit of 435 set in the 1920s to preserve power.
Imagine the real diversity that could come to play, This would likely increase voter turnout -as races turned to known local recognizable figures you likely would meet.
2. It is my belief that house members could be selected in a parliamentary manner, thqt is using representative voting at the state level. This would allow small party candidates to be elected. Regardless, we can apply this to the house races now, declaring them statewide seats.
When I was a boy I envisioned a "hundred leader" any person who could get 100 signatures to delegate political power. These in turn would elect 10,000 leaders. When computers came about i envisioned "dynamic delegation", where i could vote directly on line or delegate my vote dynamically real time to anyone anywhere. It could be my UN level vote, my National level vote, it could be all my votes on a subject, at any level. All though in practice, this might exclude local infrastructure.
We clearly need to rally the tea party, the believers in small and medium sized business, and the occupy movement, representing putting curbs on excessive plutocratic wealth extraction. Most of our economy does not actually produce anything. If we focused on "lean" production. We could largely eliminate "utility work" - and focus on our true interests, and might not need to earn much from it, as our utilitarian economy cost is only 20% of the cost we are paying for the bloated wasteful extractive exploitive conditions of workers and citizens we have today.
Draft Below not edited, notes level:
Philosophy of the SAR
Every American should have the opportunity to own their own business, that is to be masters of their own fates, not dependent on others. The Yeoman freeholder of today could be an IT Consulting Partnership to an organic farm cooperative, or a normal small business with perhaps some level of equity in their senior workers.
The philosophy that had the greatest success that basically rejected both socialism and capitalism was a movement called distributism as well as of course anarchism or worker self government.
Intellectual Influences
My thesis has determined that we only need 25% of our labor force to accomplish what we need.
This is accomplished by imagining all human activities but at the smallest scale possible, I determined 100,000 people would be needed to create a society capable of doing most of our many functions of modern day society.
If we determined that small scale communities could be basically self sufficient - we have to ask then why isn't this happening?
Why aren't people reacquiring access to the land, Side Note: could we ask Peninsula Open Space Trust POST to contribute to "Microtopia",
Could we ask the millionaires and billionaires to create a high quality free private education contingent on corresponding reductions in property tax.
A different set of folks, more radical in nature would set up legislation for home ownership and utility co-op. In this case we could temporarily tax rented properties sufficient to contribute to a land network.
On reflection non productive activities such as insurance and sales - which function only to assess and distribute risk - and to create markets and promoting products.