Freedom Watch Judge Napolitano: Is their a tension between US Secret Govt and Fox News
Freedom Watch Judge Napolitano: Is their a tension between US Secret Govt and Fox News:
Freedom Watch Judge Napolitano: Is their a tension between US Secret Govt and Fox News:
Traditionally Fox News has not championed non prejudiced libertarianism such as Judge Napolitano's and did not allow Ron Paul oxygen. This grip has loosened.
Traditionally Fox News has not championed non prejudiced libertarianism such as Judge Napolitano's and did not allow Ron Paul oxygen. This grip has loosened.
Possible reasons:
1. This libertarian wing represents a win for corporations because they can dominate individual states "1 at a time" Churchil on Hitler until Aug 39 of course.
2. It weakens the Democrats.
3. There is some inner party rivalry between Murdoch and the over-reaching state security apparatus.
Send us a mail telling us which it is until I get a comment board.